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Finally, according to the Five-Factor Model, we conducted a personality analysis. In addition, through comparative experiments, we found that the hybrid neural network model is significantly better than that of CNN or LSTM network alone. At the same time, the natural speech data set collected by the experiment was tested in the experiment, which proved that the model has certain recognition ability. The recognition rate of the model on this data set reached 0.8365, showing a good recognition function. We used the CASIA Chinese data set, which contains 7,200 speeches to train and test the model. Starting from the aspect of deep learning, after researching the relevant neural network architecture, a hybrid model of convolutional neural network and long-term and short-term memory network is constructed, which realizes the recognition of speech emotion. First, the speech emotion recognition and related work are briefly introduced. The main work of this paper is based on the research of psychological counseling and personality analysis algorithms of speech emotions.