Oxenfree tvtropes
Oxenfree tvtropes

  • Only Known by Their Nickname: Ren is actually short for "Reginald" but nobody calls him this except Clarissa.
  • Motor Mouth: The most talkative of the group.
  • Keet: He talks a lot, is more effeminate than some of the girls and is very outgoing and loud.
  • Functional Addict: He spends most of the game high, but it doesn't seem to even slightly impede him.
  • They can get together in the end, depending on the player's choices.
  • Dogged Nice Guy: He's infatuated with Nona.
  • It turns out to just be the ghosts trying to intimidate Alex.
  • Disney Death: At one point, Alex finds that he's drowned.
  • Cloud Cuckoo Lander: Not the strongest example, but he definitely has his moments.
  • Ambiguous Disorder: He's extremely insecure about his friendship with Alex, despite that they've been best friends for years, gets high as a way of coping with anxiety, and he also mentions having a therapist at one point.
  • He's the one who organized the Edwards Island trip.
  • Only Sane Man: He's the group's rationalist throughout, though he can still get a little irritated.Īlex's best friend.
  • He'll also try to act as if the ghosts escaping is nobody's fault, however, if you accuse him of being at fault, or blame yourself, he'll acknowledge his culpability. Halfway through the game, he becomes angry at Ren for getting high and causing all the trouble in the first place, despite the fact that Jonas was the one who went exploring the caves and leading Alex to the ghost rift and encouraging her to use the radio on it in the first place.

    oxenfree tvtropes

  • Momma's Boy: Jonas expresses some very deep affection for his mother.
  • Missing Mom: His mom died of disease when he was younger.
  • Master of Unlocking: Implied to have learned from his past hometown.
  • Eventually, Alex comes to view Jonas as a second brother.
  • Like Brother and Sister: If you prevent Michael's death and Alex and Jonas bonded, then Alex and Jonas remain close friends despite never having been step-siblings.
  • The Lancer: He's Alex's companion for most of the game.
  • Dude, Not Funny!: He'll have this reaction if players choose to have Alex sit in the chair and scream.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Some of his dialogue, especially if Alex is played as a Heroic Mime.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: He grew up in a crime-ridden town and went to juvenile detention for viciously beating up another kid for throwing a baseball at his head.
  • He's rumored to be a criminal, but he's friendly enough.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: The ghosts tell Alex that she is this, and they are right - Alex tuning into the frequency in the cave unleashed the ghosts and allowed them to begin messing with her friends.Īlex's new stepbrother.
  • Tragic Keepsake: Her red jacket belonged to her brother Michael once.
  • According to the ghosts, this is because she's the one causing them.
  • Ripple-Effect-Proof Memory: Alex is the only one who can clearly remember the time loops.
  • Never My Fault: One way to play her is to have her constantly deny her role in releasing the ghosts as well as Michael's death.
  • oxenfree tvtropes

    Like Brother and Sister: If you prevent Michael's death and Alex and Jonas bonded, then Alex and Jonas remain close friends despite never having been stepsiblings.Jerkass: Alex can be played as extremely sarcastic, selfish and outright malicious even.Heroic Mime: It is possible to play Alex as a nearly mute character throughout the game.Girls Love Stuffed Animals: Implied to have a stuffed animal collection, which Clarissa makes fun of.Genki Girl: No matter how you play her, she comes off as being very excitable and outgoing.The Friend Nobody Likes: One of the achievements for the game is to end the night with everyone else hating you by being a miserable destructive monster to everyone as often as possible.Deadpan Snarker: Can be played this way.Childhood Friends: Ren has said he and Alex have known each other since grade school.It also means Michael is dead and puts it in question if Alex ever made up with Clarissa, bonded with Jonas and if Nona ended up with one of the boys. If Alex warns herself not to go to the island, Alex, Ren, and Jonas go to Alfredo's for pizza, meaning she never tears open the rift, never has to go through the horrifying night, and never escapes the island while making a new Alex's story begin.

    oxenfree tvtropes

    Seemingly, you can also avert this fate in this mode.New Game Plus: However, another playthrough implies that there's an infinite amount of Alexes and that every Alex eventually gets off the island and lives their life only for a new Alex to start their journey.

    oxenfree tvtropes

    And I Must Scream: The ending implies that she's sealed away in the ghost dimension and is being forced to relive the game's events for all eternity.Alex is a rebellious teenager who came with her friends to Edwards Island.

    Oxenfree tvtropes